Home General News What do a nurse, a gamer & physio have in common?

What do a nurse, a gamer & physio have in common?

by ervte

It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but in this case, it’s the story of three people who practice their faith daily.

Reflecting Morling College’s mission to equip Christ-centered followers to impact the world, the stories of real students and alums reveal how God calls us to apply our faith wherever He calls us.

A nurse who recently returned from Ukraine, Gabi Macaulay is equipped to meet her patients’ physical and spiritual needs. Kiran Skariah uses a platform for gamers to reach thousands of people and share the gospel with them in unusual and unexpected ways.What do a nurse, a gamer & physio have in common?

†[I tried] a position as a student pastor in the church, and I hated it, I quit and went back to physio, which I love, but I struggled with feeling like I wasn’t in “full-time Christian ministry”. For Melissa Ramoo, a physical therapist, it was a specific moment that showed how her faith was active in her career. Feeling called to share her confidence but also fond of her career as a physical therapist, it was a “bizarre” episode for Morling that cleared her thinking. A teacher dislocated his shoulder in the middle of a sermon. Melissa and two other students who were health professionals were able to jump up and help.

“It was a great reminder that God bestows on us in ways that bless others, and physio is my ministry.”

She now has the opportunity to get involved in prayer ministry for healing, enjoys writing Christian articles and devotionals, and preaches in several churches.

People might think that studying theology or any other course taught from a Christian perspective is only for pastors or church leaders. They sometimes fail to see that we were all sent into the world to share the hope and truth that we find in Jesus. Many of Morling’s graduates will serve in church-based ministries, either full-time or co-vocationally. For others, life after graduation means doing those around them in their workplace with compassion, where people are thirsty to hear the good news but often can’t find anyone to talk to them about it.

With only 15%* of Australians attending church on Sundays, Christians in our world need to be seen. They should be seen in hospitals, schools, offices, online gaming communities, parties, festivals, and everywhere else. Morling is at the forefront of shaping and equipping people to compassionately and creatively bring the gospel into every space. This could be in an Apologetics class with Principal Ross Clifford (where students learn how to explain the Christian faith in relevant ways), developing educational leadership skills from a Christian perspective, or exploring new therapeutic models for dementia care as a chaplain.

Morling is committed to equipping firefighters, teachers, flight attendants, chaplains, counselors, and ordinary Christians to combine theological reflection and practical application.

What do our nurse, gamer, and physio have in common? They all use their God-given gifts and contribute to the well-being of the communities in which they live. They apply their faith and heed the call to love God, love their neighbor, and start making new disciples.

We have a mission field ahead of us. As the apostle Paul said:

“How can they believe in the one they haven’t heard of?” (Romans 10:14).

Will you join us next semester to be equipped to apply your faith wherever God has called you? It’s an exciting necessity!

If you are curious and want to grow in knowledge and faith, enroll as a casual student in one of our 2022 units, and don’t worry about assessments or exams. You don’t even have to commit to an entire training! Classes start on July 18th, and there is a range of options to choose from.

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